Monochromatic decorating is now in demand by homeowners because of the appearance that is simple and modern. If you have not already know about the monochromatic colors, so, is time you need a little get to know decor that is on the rise. Monochromatic decorating could be interpreted, when an interior designer choosing a colors that used as the basis, combined with the color that is essentially almost the same as the base color.

In other words mean, a monochromatic color is a consisted of a single color, combined with a color that is almost similar. Although the colors look does not have much choice, but if combined with the precise, generated effects would be stunning. But not everyone agrees with a monochromatic interior decoration because most of them does not like the feel of the characteristics of homes.

Therefore, you should know some of the pros and cons of using a monochromatic color decoration so you can decide whether a monochromatic color according to the style of your home.

Monochromatic Design Ideas: The Pros and Cons of Monochromatic Decorating

The Pros

There are several advantages if you want to start a monochromatic color in your home decor. There is a monochromatic color palette that you can choose when you pay a visit to the hardware store that provides a monochromatic paint color.

By looking at a monochromatic color palette, you can decide whether the colors of character or theme of your home. Monochromatic color can vary from a white dominant of color is then joined with black.

The Pros of Monochromatic Decorating

Monochromatic decorating has the character of a harmonious color

Due to a monochromatic color basically come from the same color, it will certainly are complementary to each other so that the homes decoration will look harmonious and wonderful. The monochromatic designs may varied with a brighter color as a highlight or a focal point and then joined with a color that is almost similar which has a darker color.

Decorating with monochromatic color is very easy to set up

By attaching monochromatic color at the interior decoration of your home, then you have many options at the accessories that you wish to display. With a nearly the same color in monochromatic design, of course, the decoration will be more easy to set up.

Monochromatic colors are complementary to each other

Monochromatic colors are complementary to each other are due to is almost the same color combination. All you have to do to create a monochromatic decor more interesting is by having the proper shade, tone and highlights so the resulting effect would seem charming. The chromatic colors able to customized by your moods so that will still be comfortable being in the house.

The new design may arise at any time when you are playing with a monochromatic colors

Because you are only going to focus on a bit of color, possibilities, you may create a new variations of textures and colors that has never been thought of before. This is of course opens the opportunity to create a new design and decorations which will suit your personality and character.

The Cons

Here are some things that becomes contra if you choose a monochromatic color. Knowing the weaknesses in chromatic colors will also help you in deciding whether it is suitable for your home decor.

The Cons of Monochromatic Decorating

Limiting choice of colors

Monochromatic color is sometimes deemed limit the color choices. Even if you just love one colors, monochromatic color choice may limit for choice of other colors, so that if no special skills, monochromatic color combination would seem monotonous and a dull. The colors are too bright also does not going to blend in perfectly are like scarlet or bright blue can actually offer a fresh effect on the room.

The lack of a contrasting color

Basically, monochromatic colors does not have dominant of bright color because it will damage the overall color appearance. This requires high creativity to produce and integrate the other colors that does not seem strange when combined with the monochromatic colors.

Tendency for the coloration and the designs is monotonous

It certainly sounded less good but everything is back on your goals. By the nearly the same colors would make the room has less color variations so that homeowner demanded to choose the accessories that can liven up the atmosphere a room. Monochromatic colors also tend to have soft colors that lighting is necessary to produce a dramatic effect.

The temptation to make exceptions

You may tempted to stray away from a monochromatic color scheme so you combine of other colors that seem not harmonious that makes monochromatic decor is not in accordance. You need to know that the monochromatic color should to one hundred percent looks harmonious. You may play with a matching color tone by choosing a variety of colors such as dark on the one side and then on the other side are brighter.

Good luck

You should know some of the pros and cons of using a monochromatic color decoration so you can decide whether a monochromatic color according to the style of your home.

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