To have a home that is in accordance with your wishes, of course must be accompanied by the decor and furniture that are interesting and appropriate to your character. Sometimes, with so many choices will make you confused to choose one. So, why not try to choose the decor and furniture in accordance with your astrological sign? 

Here... Find out the style of home decor that is appropriate with your zodiac below.

Decorate a home according to astrological sign or your zodiac

Decorate a home according to the astrological sign or your zodiac


Your home should be well ventilated, spacious, and there was not much furniture. You will be happy if your home is well-organized. You are an impatient and chose to live alone, and don't like if living with other people or sharing your rooms. Use colors that are clean and bright for your furniture such as orange, purple, pink, or beige. You also can choose furniture made from wood or better is metal.


Taurus people will spent more time in the bedroom. The bedroom is a very private room for a Taurus people, the room where he gets the ideas and places to work. The bedroom should be decorated with the full of creativity and artistry. For furniture, decorate the rooms with furnishings of glass like aquariums and also add a wind chimes.


For the Gemini, you should have a house that is roomy and lots of lights. For the interior of the house, you can use the colors that are cool and dim. You are also suitable to use furniture made of wood or bamboo cane. The Gemini is also believed to use the mirror as a "special talisman".


You are a very loving cleanliness. The main center of your house is the living room, because the Cancer will be very happy to socialize with other people. In the living room, use bright colors to decorate. And the Cancer trust a collection of objects such as crystal glass, old coins, and stamps will increase prosperity in their lives.


Leo most pleased with home decor that blends with nature. You can use marble or granite for the floors of your home. To paint the walls, you can use white or orange colours. For a Leo, the most important room in the house is the den. Don't use animal-shaped furniture because Leo is very dislike it.


Basically, a Virgo wants a home decor that are light and simple. But unfortunately a Virgo most lazy to clean the house, so you should avoid home furnishings that are difficult to clean such as glass or wood. Virgo likes a home decor of the red brick and does not like the black color.


A Libra is really like things that smell of sophistication. Therefore, when owning a home, A Libra is recommended to fill his house with a wide range of innovative furniture. You can use the red colour to decor your home. This color will give your home becomes a hub of sorts of encouragement for the people in around your home.


A Scorpio person should find a home in a quiet area. You need a house that has a lot of trees and fountains in addition to the decor. Use furniture of glass and provide a fish pond in your home because the water is believed to be the strength of Scorpio. You can also use the dominant color such as green, black, or gold. Don't use the soft colors because it will make Scorpio become weak and lazy.


A Sagittarius will be very busy if involved with employment problems, you can even bring your work to your home. So, your house should be made as comfortable as possible so as not to make your stress. You can paint the interior of your home with gray, blue, purple, or beige. But to paint the exterior, use a bright color such as white or light colors.


For home decor, Capricorn desperately needs a large mirror, because a Capricorn people is very concerned about the appearance from the top to toe before leaving the house. The paint colors to be used must a bright colors such as white, beige, or light blue.


As an Aquarius, you are very pleased with the neatness and stuff with full of beauty. You should use the bright colors to your home decor and furniture such as white and yellow. You can also add wind chimes in your home to increase the positive energy on your home.


You are a person who loves the convenience and neatness. You can decorate your home with the style of minimalist and simple as possible, but you have to keep showing the casual style. You can use a paint color that indicates strength such as purple, dark green, or orange.

To have a home that is in accordance with your wishes must be accompanied by the decor and furniture that are appropriate to your character. Here... Find out the style of home decor that is appropriate with your zodiac

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